Tag: cred partners
Art club at Nkuru College
The Nkuru Vocational College in rural Mityana has always been at the forefront of pilotting new ways of doing learning Founded by John Njendahayo, the focus from the start has been about holistic, and project-based learning, as well as embedding all the programmes firmly in the local community. As a…
Off the streets and into school
Leading by doing at The Voice
Back to school after nearly 2 years – smiles all round
Stepping Stones: building for the future
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (literally)
NB; names have been removed to protect identity Over the past few years, and particularly in recent months, we have been hearing from J, and via news outlets, of how the political landscape in India is changing. It is becomingly increasingly linked to religion, with the majority religion of Hinduism…