Tag: cred partners
Uwero water reaches a new village
Congratulations Daniel!

Daniel Mpanduzi is the Founder and Director of The Voice School Trust in Tanzania. TVST comprises a secondary school based in Usa River township in Arusha, and also they run a weekend programme for children from the community who are from disadvantaged backgrounds. Students from TVST school help run the…
Budding young Card designers from Spurgeons
Chisomo students – an update on numbers
Orphans in India
Desks for comfort at Comfort Primary
New Skills and Opportunities for Chisomo ‘graduates’ – part 2
Prayers of praise from India
Update from Berhan Lehetsanat

We recently received the following report from CRED Partner Berhan Lehetsanat (BL). Based in Ethiopia, BL’s focus is supporting children living with disabilities to access education and health care, and to advocate on their behalf at district, regional and national levels, as well as running training and sensitisation programmes relating…