Who is CRED?
- CRED stands for – Christian Relief, Education and Development.
- Independent trust from November 1997 until March 2024.
- From March 2024 exists in collaboration with Links International, a Charitable Incorporated Organisation – Registered Charity No. 1168872
What are CRED’s values?
- The foundation is grounded in the social justice imperatives set out in the Christian gospel and in the philosophy that all men, women and children are valued, born free and equal in dignity and rights.
What we do?
- Build relationships with locally based, overseas partners to bring about transformation through the projects (see opposite).
- Provide awareness-raising, specialised assistance, context-sensitive advocacy and open access to financial donations for the partners.

Areas of focus:
- Community-based support and development.
- Relief from poverty.
- Educational support.
- Employment opportunities.
- Environmental sustainability.
- Post-conflict community rehabilitation and support.
CRED Partners:
- We choose to partner with organisations which reflect our values, and work within one or more of the areas of focus, and we only partner with organisations to which we feel we can provide beneficial and impactful support.
- Currently 15 overseas partners are part of the CRED family (click here for more details).
- Partners are located in sub-Saharan Africa, India and Nepal.
CRED looks to facilitate long-term relationship between the partners and donors.