PSD Nepal

Nepal is the poorest country in South Asia and ranks as the twelfth poorest country in the world. However, over the last decade the country has made considerable progress in reducing poverty. This progress is mainly due to the money generated from tourism and the increase in foreign tourist companies investing in the area.

Unfortunately Nepal has a literacy rate at 65.9% hence the need for investment and improvement of schools particularly in rural areas, where the villages are still poor and have no electricity. Access to education for girls and women is especially hard due to cultural and socioeconomic barriers.

CRED Foundation is embarking on a new partnership with PSD Nepal, with particular focus on their Education and Plastics Recycling programmes.

Partnership for Sustainable Development (PSD) bridges the gap.
PSD builds capacity in the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Nepal, notably amongst children, women, orphans, those with disabilities, and in rural communities. Functioning as an intermediary organization between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have not’s’, PSD serves to link Nepal with international grants, donors, and fundraising projects. PSD is a non-governmental, social development organization.

PSD Plastics
PSD Nepal partners with the mountain people of Nepal. Together they are cultivating circular economies for waste and plastic solutions. In their pilot schemes, a 1 PET bottle = 1 NPR incentive scheme is in operation, with tens of thousands of plastic bottles cleared every month. This waste is recycled in Pokhara at Himalayan Plastic & creatively up-cycled for educational purposes, promoting environmental and cultural heritage.

Bhimsen Primary School (PS) and Higher Secondary School (HSS)
Bhimsen Primary School (PS) and Higher Secondary School (HSS) is a thriving rural school west of Baglung, about 12 hours west of the capital Kathmandu. It caters for between 650-800 students, depending on the intake in a given academic year, serves more than 6 local communities and has a total staff of 26 teachers.

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