Category: News
GNPDR starts new street kids outreach site
Graduation day at Nkuru Vocational College
Staff and students alike recently celebrated the success of last year’s cohort of vocational training students at the college’s first graduation day. Previous attempts to host a graduation day had been thwarted by Covid, so the celebrations this year were extra special.Students from Nkuru Vocational college graduated with qualifications in…
Baby basket blessings for young mums at Butterfly Space
Young mums at the Nkhata Bay hospital have recently been blessed by another delivery of the Butterfly Space Baby Basket programme. Through this, baby baskets are filled with clothes, blankets and nappies suitable for newborns, and then given to young mums who, for various reasons, don’t have the resources to…
written by Kenyanito Dudi IDAK mapped out and is journeying with “Mellany” in entrepreneurship. Mellany is a youth from a complex family background riddled with extreme poverty; who was orphaned at a formative years and lived with her grandparents in the village of Western Kenya. She was a victim of…
Progress in the Himalayan Plastic Removal Project
written by Bishnu Bhatta, director of PSD-Nepal This past quarter, PSD Nepal has continued its efforts in the Himalayan Plastic Removal Project in Langtang Rasuwa. Our three waste management sites—Community Recycling Centre in Syafru Besi, and segregation sites in Mundu and Kyanjin Gompa—are now fully operational. The “1 bottle =…
Mud Day Celebration
written by Bishnu Bhatta, director of PSD-Nepal A few months back, Panchkhal in Nepal’s Kavre district buzzed with excitement for the 16th International Mud Day, organized by PSD-Nepal and Bold Park Community School from Australia. This year’s event connected 90 children with nature and cultural heritage through mud play and…
Mini Gold Kacha gets the thumbs up
Foundations for Mining is a partner with CRED and is very grateful for the relationship. We are concerned with creation care, and in particular the uncontrolled use of mercury by artisanal and small-scale gold miners in ecologically sensitive areas of the Earth. Over the past few months, F4M has been…