Mercy Mattresses – 3,000 and counting
One of the programmes that GNPDR has been running for a couple of years now is the Mercy Mattress project, and it continues to go from strength to strength. At the heart of the project is reconciliation between genocide victims and perpertrators, and this comes about through the genocide victims…
Ellilta – Prevention Program Update.

Ellilta (previously known as Women-At-Risk) in Ethiopia have three categories of programs that they run – rehabilitation for the women wishing to exit prostitution, outreach and intervention to those who are vulnerable and at risk of entering prostitution (including many children of the programs) and prevention, where they seek to…
Happy smiles with filled tummies

The children of Stepping Stones Primary school in Nkhata Bay, Malawi, had a lovely post-Christmas party thanks to money raised by CRED supporters. The money was raised through the CRED Christmas appeal, and the children were given some delicious, nutritious food at their lunchtime breaks in school as a result.…
Kids Joy Nursery school opens its doors at Nkuru BVT College
Eggs for all at school
Attending school for the pupils at GNPDR’s Comfort Primary School in Kigali, Rwanda, isn’t just about getting a much-coveted education. It is also an opportunity to receive some equally coveted nutritious food, as shown below where the children are enjoying a fresh egg. For several of the pupils at the…
Meet Jess, a street child from Zambia
February in Uganda – no ordinary month
AHISDO and CBISDO update

AHISDO and CBISDO are two of our CRED Partners based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They now function as separate community-based organisations, but both have their origins in a previous NGO IHA-UDP, making them somewhat related! Child and elderly sponsorship feature highly on the programmes of both organisations, as they seek…