Tag: Uganda
Interviews and insights into the work of ILA
Returning to school, Acholi style
Day of celebration and thanksgiving at Spurgeons Academy
ILA-Uganda in a year
Christmas party for the Acholi children
Kids Joy Nursery graduation day
Jacob’s story – ILA Uganda
First national exams sat at college
Vocational students across Uganda have recently been sitting the national exams to gain their DIT qualifications. DIT (Department of Industrial Training) is the Ugandan national examining board for vocational qualifications, and so all students must sit the DIT exams at a registered and approved examination site. For the first time,…
ILA-Uganda distribute 200+ Acholi Bibles
I Live Again Uganda (ILA) have recently been conducting a series of workshops in a rural Acholi community with a large group of Pastors and Ministry Leaders. The workshops have helped to equip the leaders to support their community members more effectively with regard to trauma counselling and mental health.…