Parcels of Hope in Rwanda

GNPDR, our CRED partner in Rwanda, have been involved in prison ministry in their country almost since the inception of the organisation. As well as providing a service of year round chaplaincy support, they also look out for opportunities to bless the prisoners and prison staff further, whether through running…

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Plastic project in Langtang – PSD Nepal

Written by Bishnu Bhatta, director of PSD Nepal Plastic Project in Langtang Region: 4Cs that Protects the Mountains1. Current Situation and Proposed Module Human encroachment on nature has caused air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion, melting mountains and reduced agriculture productivity. More importantly, it has now dramatically changed the inhabitation…

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The Learning center for waste pickers children – PSD Nepal

written by Bishnu Bhatta, director of PSD Nepal ‘The early childhood group environment has a very crucial role in children’s learning and development. Young children are in the process of rapid brain development. We as an adult should acknowledge our minds rapidly develop with every new experience. Their external and…

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