Street children in Kigali – Rwanda: reflections by Pius

The phenomenon of street children is a world problem and over tens of millions of street children are found across the world. Rwanda considers street children as a category of children in need of special protection. It also considers street children as one of the categories of vulnerable children, with…
Esther’s Story – ILA Uganda
ILA: ‘Empower’ing the community – one village at a time
Fuel for the body, fuel for the mind
Bringing hope, cookies and songs to children on the streets of Kigali

GNPDR, our CRED Partner in Rwanda, have recently been able to restart their outreach programme to children living on the streets of Kigali. The outreach programme had been forced to stop during the pandemic, and then had struggled to get restarted, following the sad death of Theoneste, who had been…
Four more elderly Ethiopians sleep soundly – AHISDO

AHISDO has secured sponsorship for 4 (1 Male & 3 Females) grandparents who are living in poverty without family support. Through their sponsorship they receive a variety of basic items including food items (Pasta, wheat flour, sugar and table salt), sanitary materials including COVID -19 protective materials (body soap, cloth…
Bee Keeping, by Bishnu Bhatta, PSD Nepal

Nepal has tremendous opportunities on the beekeeping due to the richness in the honeybee’s species and the availability of plenty pasture diversity. The beekeeping in Nepal contributes to the economics boost up of the rural and marginalized landless farmers. Besides the economic contribution from the bees’ products, beekeeping enhances the…
Open Health day for Chisomo street kids – Zambia
Metal and woodwork training for local youth – AHISDO

8 (6 Males & 2 Females) unemployed youth from the community that is local to CRED Partner AHISDO are currently having the opportunity to undertake training in wood work and metal work. The training is being sponsored by AHISDO, and carried out in conjunction with local tradesmen. It takes between 3…