Cred’s newest partner is I Dream Again Kenyanito Foundation (IDAK). As the name suggests, the focus of IDAK is to help people reignite and realise dreams that they previously thought were unachievable, for reasons including poverty.
One of the foci that IDAK have is realising dreams to help protect the environment for future generations, and empowering children to feel that they can be involved in protecting their rural villages from the challenges of climate change.
To do this, IDAK have pledged to plant 5,000 trees in the next 2 years, and recently this project was kickstarted with the planting of 1000 trees at a primary school in kisumu county in Kenya.
Each child in the school has adopted one or two trees and it is their responsibility to ensure that their trees stay watered and well. In so doing, the trees have a much higher chance of survival, and the children feel a sense of ownership and connection with their environment.
Good luck IDAK on the planting of the other 4,000 trees!