To say that it’s been a tough few months in India is an understatement! Life has hung in the balance time and again, and whilst many made it through, others didn’t, and loved ones have been lost.
For Janaki and the FIAM team, the past few months have included times to weep, times to rejoice, times to fast, times to lean on others, but all the times have had God and His loving provision and strength at the heart of them.
We recently recieved an update from Janaki outlining just some of what has been achieved over the past few weeks and months, and in this blog I share one of the sadder items.
Beloved Brothers and Sister in Christ,
Due to Covid many people were died and some families father and mother both were died and their small children and days baby became orphans.
Among our churches areas we were explored many children who lost their both parents due to Covid.
Our hearts are moving around those children and crying my heart. We are thinking and praying for them. God laid a burden on my heart about those children future. Before sharing this news with you my friends I prayed a lot about this.
Please pray my friends. I am sending few children pictures now for your prayers love and sugessions for all their life.
Thank you for spending your valuable time to read all these. We are pouring out our praises to almighty God for this fellowship, love and prayers.
With continues prayers and love.
Yours in His service.
Sis Janaki & FIAM Team.