When Rwanda came out of lockdown, certain conditions were imposed on the schools before they were able to reopen. One of those conditions was access to handwashing facilities for all the children. Another was having enough desks that children can sit just two to a desk, and not three or four which is the norm for so many overcrowded and under-resourced schools.
For the leadership team of Comfort Primary School, in Kigali, Rwanda, it was a test of faith to meet both of these conditions. With oversight from GNPDR, CRED’s partner in Rwanda, Comfort school provides high quality education for children from the local area, as well as children who are, or were living on the streets. School fees barely cover the cost of the staff salaries, and certainly don’t stretch to additional resources.
So how to provide the water and the desks. Well, it was all thanks to the generosity of CRED Supporters. The hand-washing facilities were installed – different height sinks to ensure tall and small alike have good access. And just recently the final consignment of desks was delivered from a local carpenter. As a result, the total number of desks, both new and old is enough to ensure that the pupils of Comfort Primary School can sit at their desk with one other person – in comfort, and suitably distanced.
Comfort Primary School is therefore open and ready for the pupils to return so that learning can recommence in earnest.