Amaro Brenda (in the white) and Lamunu Rhona (in the black) are both from Acholi Quarters.
They are both 20 years old, and both completed their secondary education in December 2022. Since then neither of them have been able to find any employment, and were feeling very despairing of the future.
In February, both girls were funded to enrol on a 5 week IT course at a nearby technical college. Their places were funded via the Education 4 All fund that came about as a result of the Big Give Christmas campaign.
The course covered a range of IT-related skills, including data-entry, excel spreadsheets, Windows documents and other applications.
Since completing the course, the girls have both applied to be on the government list of data-entry workers who can be called on to assist in community and data collection initiatives. They also feel empowered to apply for jobs that are more IT-based and come with a higher chance of a permanent contract.
Brenda said: ‘I have upgraded my skills with IT and technology and can do more advanced computer work. I am very grateful to be able to gain this knowledge and to be better skilled.’
Rhona said: ‘Computer skills enable you to work in a much wider variety of places as they are the most important skills these days. I am so pleased that I have been able to be better equipped to work in this type of employment.’
Both girls would love to do more IT-based courses. Brenda would like to specialise in becoming a web-designer whilst Rhona would like to become a computer engineer. But for now, they are delighted to have advanced their skills thanks to the E4A bursary,