written by Jeremiah, one of the GNPDR Street Children programme staff.
On December 22nd, 2022 at the GNPDR office in Kigali we hosted a Christmas event for 31 street children who were in our programme with the aim of sharing the love of Christ with them by telling them the Christmas story, encouraging them through the word of God and let them know know that they matter to God. We also wanted to give them a WASH message so they understand the importance of being in a clean environment; and offering them Christmas meal and Gifts.
There was teaching lessons about health; children were taught on how to keep good hygiene in every aspect that is to say on their bodies, how to bath, wash hands, shaving hair, washing clothes, cutting finger nails and others. Below photos shows children doing some hygiene and listening to lessons taught to them.

Furthermore, children were taught about disadvantages of living on the street and good things of reuniting with their families and going back to school so that they can live a better life without hardships on the street. They were also told that they can be better people and a country has hope in them, they can be great people in future if they can change and leave street life as it is shown below.

In addition to that, there was dancing several songs and interacting between good news staff members and street children which made street children feeling free and happy while dancing and interacting with staff members.
There was also doing different physical exercises in order to keep them awake and attentive to what is taught to them as it shown in the picture below.

There was also preaching the word to the children, they were told how God loves them and wants to see them living a better life and working for him in different ways. They were told to stop using drugs like marijuana and others because it destroys their health, Pastor also prayed for Children after preaching and proclaimed blessings, hope, change and many others as shown below in the photo.

Furthermore, Children received a piece of advice from director of Good News Mr. Pius, He told them to leave street life and go back to their families for those who have them and those who do not have families the organisation can find families which can take care of them and other words of encouragement.

There was also giving breakfast and lunch to the children. Children shared breakfast and lunch together with Good News staff members, this showed love and compassion to the street children and they were very happy to share it with new people.

In addition to that, the organisation gave gifts to all children but also gave special gifts to two boys who left street life and went home then they were enrolled in school, this was done to thank them for having stayed in school but also encourage them and show other children that it is good to go to school. A parent of one child was also given a gift for having accepted her child back at home.