GNPDR, our CRED partner in Rwanda, have been involved in prison ministry in their country almost since the inception of the organisation. As well as providing a service of year round chaplaincy support, they also look out for opportunities to bless the prisoners and prison staff further, whether through running focused workshops on relevant topics, or through practical and tangible gifts of much needed basic items.
As part of this focus, Christmas 2022 saw them giving out approx. 700 ‘Parcels of Hope’ to inmates in Rwanda’s prison for women. 593 parcels were given to the women, and a further 110 were given to babies and small children, who live with their mothers in the prison. The parcels for the women contained items such as sugar, soaps, toothpaste and toothbrush, skin cream, snacks and a couple of items of clothing. The parcels for the babies and small children also contained blanket, clothes, nappies (where applicable), plus skin care and hygiene items, and some simple toys / books.
The funds for the parcels came in part from Good News Jail Ministries International. 4 local Christian churches and 1 muslim group also supported the initiative and Bishop Rose was part of the delegation who distributed the parcels.
The initiative was very well received by all, and plans are afoot to make it even bigger and wider reaching next year.