We recently received the following report from CRED Partner Berhan Lehetsanat (BL). Based in Ethiopia, BL’s focus is supporting children living with disabilities to access education and health care, and to advocate on their behalf at district, regional and national levels, as well as running training and sensitisation programmes relating to disability, which is a very stigmatised concept in the nation.
The report isn’t very long, but it is a wonderful insight into the range of life-transforming work that this wonderful organisation is doing. Read on, and be inspired!
“During 2020, since the outbreak of Covid-19, BL mobilized resources from its partners including CRED Foundation and provided emergency nutrition support and sanitary materials for over 350 children.
In 2021, the organization is working on the issue of focusing on awareness creation, follow-up and mainstreaming the disability issue in all government covid-19 interventions.
It has been providing sanitation and personal protection materials for 60 children and youth with severe disability and for those intellectually challenged, provided training on health and covid-19 prevention mechanisms for 75 youth with disability and parents of CwDs, and trained 50 health extension workers to provide special attention to children and youth with disability in their covid-19 interventions.
In addition, using follow-up workers, BL scrutinizes safety and protection of CwDs every week through phone calls and is building capacity of local DPOs (organizations of person with disability) to advocate for rights of children with disability and urge duty bearers to mainstream disability issues in their routine office duties and covid-19 related government interventions.”