‘The donations reached at a perfect time. Our people have had it rough in the slums. Majority will die of hunger let alone Corona Virus if this pandemic continues.’
So wrote Kenyanito Dudi, head of Spurgeons Childcare Kenya, when reporting back on how they have been using recent financial donations sent to them via CRED Foundation. The money, which was generously donated by a number of churches and individuals from across the UK, has helped to ensure that Kenyanito and his team have been able to give out food parcels to some of the most vulnerable families and child-headed households in the informal settlement of Kibera.
Kenyanito went on to say that they have been serving between 50 and 70 persons per day. The food distribution is taking place in the compound of Spurgeons Academy, and in so doing the team are able to ensure that the right people get the food, and in a way that still observes social distancing.
Alongside the food distribution, SCCK are also overseeing provision of handwashing stations at several strategically placed positions in the community. This then allows members of the community to be able to wash their hands even though none of them actually have any running water at home and have to walk a distance to buy water for their own use.
These challenges are replicated across so many of the countries in which CRED Partners are working and the need for funds is urgent. If you would like to give to the CRED Covid-19 emergency fund, and in so doing to help ensure that more families have access to food and clean water, then please click here.