Well, this morning started with a torrential downpour after breakfast – lovely African weather! As a result, we set off slightly later than usual, but still managed to arrive on time in the now blazing heat.
Being in the room we are meant to be in and having more space is so much better. Both morning and afternoon sessions went really well and the children are continually progressing. It is so nice to see that they are learning and recalling knowledge from previous days.
This morning we set up a series of stations with fun activities – they were so happy whilst playing twister, making bracelets, completing jigsaws and colouring by numbers – tasks that we consider so basic at home.
The younger afternoon group never stopped smiling whilst singing the ‘hokey cokey’ and ‘twinkle twinkle little star’.
After we’d finished the sessions, the Acholi ladies came down to show us their handmade items which they sell as their form of income. It was very humbling to see the happiness on their faces as we purchased their items. Knowing that we’ve made a difference and helped them out financially is truly heartwarming
PS Megan says: ‘miss you too Lew and the gals, hope beatherder is still amazing without me’.
Also, we’re disappointed in you Matthew for the fake Love Island news, and Courtney’s very proud of you Charlie, love and miss you lots! And love and miss you lots too Kalim.
And Lauren R misses everyone lots, especially Oreo, Ava and Kian

Hey courtney glad your making a difference to the children and the rest of the group you should be all proud of yourselves….. reggie woke up this morning and said “wheres courtney” we said shes in africa do you miss courtney and reggie said ” i miss her all the time” too cute we miss you lots and cant wait till your home. But enjoy every minute love you mum and danielle n reggie xxxxxx
Loving all the pics… keep up the good work all of you.
Toni leigh…..looks like u enjoying yourself….I’m enjoying the quiet nights till u get home!! Because I know you will be itching to tell me all about it. Cant wait love u …mum x
I’m glad the children are progressing. They are probably really enjoying you being there.
Alice, it looks like you’re getting really involved with the teaching.
We are all really missing you.
Hi all nice to hear from our lovely meg and Lauren tonight. Glad to hear the children are enjoying the activities and songs. Sounds like youve being having lots of fun today and keeping your spirits high. Our weather has been very unpredictable today but not as bad as yours I bet!! Hope your all enjoying the food. I’m intrigued to know how jade has been getting on with the food!!! I’ve been lazy and had a chippy tea. I bet yours was much better. Love to you all. Xxx
Loving the pictures ( check you rocking the flower plants ) . It’s good to hear from you, I hope you’re having a good time . Can’t wait to hear all the stories. Love you x
Hi Alice, great photos as always. We’ve just got back from the St. B’S service. We will tell you about it when home but it wasn’t very St Bsy which was sad. A lot of people were very interested in your trip and very moved by the photos when I showed them to them. They were especially moved by the home visits – off the top of my head Kim, Janet, Paulette, Lydia..I can’t remember who else but definitely others. Enjoy your last day of teaching tomorrow. We all miss you and the pets miss you. Domino isn’t trying to steal the phones to type today – he really was yesterday!
Keep up the good work Lele
Loving all the photos
Love you lots
Howdy Courtney, I thought I’d begin this message like a cowboy, as I know how much you love ‘Old Town Road’ by Lil Nas. As a follow on from yesterday’s message I’m sure you’ll be delighted to know that England have made it to the Cricket World Cup final. As a result of this I’d like to sing you a little song that I’ve made up. It goes,
“It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming- Cricket’s coming home.
It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming- Cricket’s coming home.
It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming- cricket’s coming home.
It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming- cricket’s coming home.” I really hope you liked it, it took extremely long to write that. While we’re on the topic of music I thought I’d throw you a little bit of trivial knowledge. On this day in 1995, Shaggy released his third studio album ‘bombastic’. I know you’re a close fan of Shaggy’s so it’s a nice fact to know. Now on a serious note I did get emotional today as a visited the freeway e160. I just couldn’t help it I felt so lost and alone without it. I really do hope you’re enjoying yourself there and hopefully aren’t missing us nearly as much as we’re missing you. Love you lots from Charlie and Kalim xxxx
Hi Megan looks like you’re all doing amazing things out there! Loving all the photos.
Went to DACA sports award evening last night Noel won an award! & Stevie came first at the sprint at Athletics they were both excited to tell you!
We all miss you so much can’t wait to have you home Love island group watches on my bed aren’t the same without you.
Love you mills xxxx
The children look like they are really enjoying your visit. Hope you’re all very proud of yourselves and the difference you are making. This is something you will remember for ever. Loo it looks like you’re enjoying yourself, we’re missing you at home and looking forward to picking you up next week. Mumx
Hey C, glad you had another good day despite the dodgy start with the weather. It’s great that you’re making progress with the children and they’re clearly enjoying your lessons. It’s quite humbling to see the great work you’re all doing. Forget all that Love Island crap, England are in the cricket World Cup final for the first time in 27 years. I know you were desperate to know how they got on 🙂 Keep up the amazing work, lots of love and missing you loads, Dad xxxx
Hello Fidelis, I’m in Scotland with auntie Joanne. Been to glen Coe, Neptune’s staircase and fort William. Tomorrow the Jacobite steam train. Supposed to be awful weather today but ended up 22 degrees – so more freckles popped open! Lol I’m trying to get a better than than you!
Glad you’re all doing so many different things (sings, games) to teach these children and not just reading and writing. Well done everyone.
Love you Fidelis xx
Hi Callum,
Hope you’ve had another amazing day, sounds like everyday has been so beneficial for the children and their families. You are all making a massive difference which will last with them forever.
Couldn’t be anymore proud of you of I tried!! Would love to see you boys in some of the pics aswell tho lol.
Can’t wait to see you love you always mum xxxx
Hi Lozy, looks like you’re really enjoying your time there & it’s an experience you’ll never forget. Missing you loads & missing you shouting at me just for looking at you, lol. Oreo still runs at the sight of me. Love you. Dadz xx
Good to hear another day of good teaching the children. Alice just to let you know I forgot to make your sandwiches
We are very proud of you all and we look forward to hearing of your experiences when you return.
How are you Meg? It feels like you’ve been away forever!!
It looks like you are having a good time in your photographs though? It looks like very rewarding work…
We are all looking forward to seeing you next week, we’ve all missed you.
Love you chick.
Be careful.