We were 1hr 30 late in taking off from Manchester last night, so there was a bit of anxiety about whether we would make our connection at Dubai – but thanks to some helpful groundstaff at the airport, and some speedy walking on the part of the team to get to the right gate in time, all was well, and we arrived in Uganda as planned.
Thankfully our luggage also made it, and after a frustratingly slow visa-process due to failed visa printing machines, we all emerged from the airport to be greeted by the smiling faces of Moses 1, Moses 2 and Edward – our drivers for the week.
Having loaded all the luggage into Edward’s pick-up, we drove from Entebbe to Kampala, and our home for the next 10 days. The drive itself was quite an insight into Ugandan life and we look forward to learning more about it in the coming days.
We are staying in the home of John, Sophie and Patience – well, their home and the other two apartments in their compound. It is a lovely space and we all feel very welcomed and relaxed.
Tonight its an early night, to catch up on lost sleep, and then tomorrow we will sort resources, visit the Acholi Quarters to see more of where we will be teaching all week, and then doing final preparations for the activity week.
The general consensus is that we are all excited to be here, tinged with a bit of nervousness / apprehension about the unknown – so all looking forward to meeting the Acholi people tomorrow, and starting to turn the pictures we’ve seen of the community into reality.
Love to you all, and thanks for the comments – keep them coming!

Looking everyone. You’re there, luggage is there. Time to rest, relax and enjoy. Missing you already Lauren H. Mumx
Glad you arrived safe and well . Hope you all had a good night’s sleep and all ready for what the next few days hold . Amazing experience for you all one that I’m sure will last forever x
me and donna would like to wish everyone to have a brilliant life time experience plus we would like to thanks to miss barnes for giving kel a life time opportunity.have a wonderfull time everyone,
Glad everyone (and everything) arrived safely! Alice Grandma is relived you’ve arrived and Ian (SA) hopes you’re having an amazing time. The pets are fine but missing you – Domino is still sulking.
Glad you all got there safe!Hope you all have the best time!
Uncle Jack and Auntie Barbara were disappointed that you were missing from the meal we had today Fidelis. So, we will just have to have another one when you get home! Lol
Glad to see you’ve all arrived safely. Hope you’re having a good time! 🙂
Glad you all got there safe, hope you all have an amazing time ? can’t wait to hear all about it
Awww so glad you made it love and enjoy every minute keep safe and love ya courtney ibbetson reggie is missing you xxx
Have a great time, look after each other and enjoy every minute. Love Sharon and Claire
Glad you’ve arrived safely, hope you catch up on some sleep then have the best time & savour every minute of this fantastic opportunity of a lifetime – already got it on my bucket list when I take early retirement next year! Love & miss you Lauren R. Mum & dadz xx
Glad everyone had a safe flight!