Gilbert’s story – GNPDR

written by Pius Nyakayiro

Gilbert is grateful for the street children programme – Here is his story.

Gilbert was a street kid for 4 years, taking drugs, hopeless, and at risk of anything… Angelique and Jeremiah spent time helping him to change his mind and go back home and eventually he accepted to go back to his family and we supported him to go back to school. He is now in Primary 4 doing very well and committed to finish primary and secondary education, and then go to the university. He stopped using drugs, he is living well with the family members, and he has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour; right now, he has joined a church choir to serve the LORD. He says: I am so grateful for this programme because without it I couldn’t have come this far! I have hope for the future, and I believe God will lead me through.

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