St Joseph’s school update -FIAM

written by Janaki

With your sacrificial prayers and God’s amazing grace we have been blessed with an arrangement to educate 626 children. We started the construction in the month of April and we are very focused on continuous construction work sometimes 20 hours a day to finish on time that was June 12th. 

Almost we have completed the work of school building classrooms and started classrooms without windows, doors, electrical and plumbing work and toilets and compound wall work and school children furniture and school buses. Earlier we thought 2 more buses would be enough. But according to the number of students without 5 school buses  it is not possible to bring all the students on time. 

 Through the previous UK visit we have raised funds for a school bus and soon we are going to purchase a school bus . We have done many things  for school building and children 50 benches and desks also with everyone’s cooperation. Still we pray to fulfill the great need of the school. In total we raised £151,256 for a school building and science lab and a school bus and some computers. We still need £137,115. (The previous estimate was £99,375 for the building and 1 school bus. ) But after the start of the new financial year in April some material costs were increased by around 15% to 20% and required another school bus also. ) We cannot meet the remaining needs without the help and support of kind people. Praying for that request. 

What we need, and are praying for:

Doors and Windows Electricals fans and light Toilets and all plumbing work Paints Two school Busses needed Benches and desks Computers Projectors Playground compound wall Drinking water borehole Sports things. 

For all these needed £137,115.

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