ILA – vocational students get their equipment

Back in June, we posted a couple of blogs about 4 young people who, with the help of CRED-funded bursaries, had been able to enrol on vocational training courses. We are now delighted to report that, following successful completion of their training, the young people have been presented with comprehensive sets of equipment to enable them to go back to their community and set up their own small businesses. These sets of equipment include the appropriate kit to work in areas where access to mains electricity is hard to rely on.

Helen recently had the opportunity to meet with the four young people and hear them talk about their lives. She says: ‘To listen as they spoke about the dark and hopeless places that they had come from, and the turnaround that had come their way through the bursaries was a beautiful and inspiring time. It was a reminder of how transforming lives doesn’t need to be huge and impacting for many at a time, but can be one person at a time – for those whose lives are changed it is just as valuable an input.’

Walter summed it up for them all when he said ‘I am so grateful to God for giving me this opportunity – it has changed my life. I urgently request for there to be more opportunities if at all possible so that others who were in the same bad place as me can have a new chance at living’.

We wish these young people all the very best as they embark on their new careers, and if you would like to get involved in changing a life – just let us know here at CRED!

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