Families resettled home – ILA-Uganda

written by ILA staff

We are so thankful for individuals and church partners that have generously given towards the resettlement of two families this month!   They left the northern region of the country due to civil war led by Joseph Kony. Both of these families have been displaced for more than 30 years due to war in northern Uganda.  To find refuge and safety, they ran to Kampala to a slum/urban displacement community known as Acholi Quarter.  The children in these photos have only ever known life in the slum.  They were born during their parents displacement. There are many new things ahead of these families.   We are so excited for each one. 

if you would like to support a family in returning home, please go to www.cred.org.uk/donate and follow the links, using reference ‘CRED 3617’ when asked.

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