Over the past year, some significant changes have taken place at Spurgeons Academy, as facilities have been developed for the inclusion of the new Junior Secondary School (JSS). This is all due to a change in curriculum and overhaul of the education system in Kenya that has been slowly rolled out over the past few years.
One of the exciting additional facilities that has recently been opened at the JSS is a science lab, and the students have had some wonderful lessons putting theory into practice and discovering the joy and satisfaction of being able to do real-life practical lessons and not just reading about them in a book.
In the UK, access to practical science is taken for granted, and something that we all grow up doing without really thinking about it. But in a community where the main focus is finding food to eat, water to drink, maintianing a shelter to sleep in, and hoping somewhere you can connect to power long enough to charge your phone… well practical science isn’t so high on the agenda.
Now, thanks to some very generous donations of finance, and science equipment from individuals, churches and schools in UK, the students of Spurgeons JSS can explore science in a new and wonder-filled way.