At CRED, we work towards the following:
The essential equality and dignity of all human beings:
We believe that the response to poverty is an issue of justice, not just charity.
Committment to the whole person:
Care will be provided for abused, oppressed and impoverished people in the context of their family, community and environment, with a concern for their spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional well-being.
Empowering people:
We encourage others to make a meaningful response to the injustice of poverty.
Developing meaningful relationships
Our relationships with individuals, organisations and communities are focused on empowering the poor and caring for the environment
Presenting a positive image of the poor
We never emotionally manipulate or blackmail the public into giving money through presenting negative images of the global poor or those suffering under oppression.
Committment to excellence
We strive to provide our partners, supporters and colleagues with an excellent quality of service, in a professional manner. We will pursue improvement in all that we do by encouraging creativity and innovation.
Honesty, trustworthiness and transparency
These three things are vital in all that we do. We are dedicated to making what we do consistent with what we say.