IDAK Foundation

Many lives are currently in pieces as a result of broken dreams. Unfortunately, this is especially common amongst the poor who live at the bottom of our societies. Most of these dreams are lost due to the nature of the society we live in which, instead of identifying and creating a conducive atmosphere of encouraging and nurturing dreams, instead usually results in them getting squashed and thrown into oblivion.

Some people lose their dreams and resort to escapisms resulting in more regrets in life than ever before.

It is on this premise that I Dream Again Kenyanito (IDAK) Foundation has been conceived and birthed, to offer a platform that will identify lowly, deprived, and forgotten members of societies in Kenya and beyond, to pick up and steer their lost dreams.

IDAK is a Christian-based Foundation entrenched in holistic, social action interventions. It urges its beneficiaries to be authors of their own stories and to stretch their wings to fly. Her philosophies are driven by, and borrows heavily from the Holy Bible (Isaiah 1:17 and Job 14:7).

Building better quality housing
Feeding programmes

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Natalia – IDAK bursary recipient 26 Mar 2025 *name chosen to protect identity One of the ways in which CRED’s Kenyan partner I Dream Again (IDAK) helps young people realise their dreams is through provision of bursaries for high school education, when the young person is living in conditions that make self-funding an impossibility. Natalia is one such…

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GIFTED HANDS PARLOUR -“Mellany”- IDAK 27 Nov 2024 written by Kenyanito Dudi IDAK mapped out and is journeying with “Mellany” in entrepreneurship. Mellany is a youth from a complex family background riddled with extreme poverty; who was orphaned at a formative years and lived with her grandparents in the village of Western Kenya. She was a victim of…

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IDAK after the floods 18 Sep 2024 Written by Kenyanito: Following floods earlier this year that ripped through parts of Kenya, IDAK was able to give an emergency response to some affected families in Mathare slums, Nairobi, Kenya. This response targeted children whose learning materials were either washed away by the floods or ravaged down by the…

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Responding to the floods – IDAK 14 Aug 2024 A few months back, eastern Africa was hit by unprecedented rainfall levels leading to many devastating floods. Kenya was one of the countries worst hit, resulting in many lives lost, crops ruined, livelihoods lost, homes, schools and other buildings washed away, roads and bridges crumbled and impassable, and villages cut…

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